How much time has passed since your angel grew their wings?
Do you find it easier to cope as more time has passed?
How much had time passed since your loss when it seemed a little easier?
When is the hardest and easiest time to cope for you?
Ch. M.: 8 years. It is easier than day one, but it seems I'm the
only one who remembers.
As more time passes I don't understand how people can abuse their children, or put them in harms way and they still get their kids. Life isn't fair.
As more time passes I don't understand how people can abuse their children, or put them in harms way and they still get their kids. Life isn't fair.
C.: 9.5 years and no its
not easier whoever said it would be LIED! Some days its like it just happened
and other like its been forever.
M. N.: 13 months and
honestly it hurts just as much.
T. O. P.: It's been 17 years since my 1st miscarriage and 15 years
since my 2nd miscarriage. But for me, they were blessings in disguise. I wasn't
near ready...especially with my 1st one, as I was a 16 year I'd child.
D.: Nearly
8 months first angel 6 weeks second angel for me by 6 months found easier to
cope with first angel never forget second Angel healing has come quicker than
expected but going to counseling to deal with issues due date always hard as
you wonder.
C. L. F.: 3 weeks 2 days my baby boy fell asleep and its been so hard if it wasn’t
for my 2 year old and 9 year old I would of cracked up I miss him so much. I
woke at 3.50 to feed him and he was not breathing it hurts so much.
K.A. S. – W.: It has been almost 9 yrs for my first one and 6yrs for
my second, the pain doesn't go away but you do get stronger in time. Every one
is different. I know I still think about my three angels all the time, but I
get thru the day knowing that I will see my angels soon some day.
T. B.: My first miscarriage was at 19, 3 yrs ago I had my son Aug.
10, 2011, I had my 2nd miscarriage Dec of last year it was really painful
physically and mentally it was only a few months after my son was born my 3rd
miscarriage was a few months ago my doc says if I have another I need to have
tests done my body may not be able to carry another child my son is my miracle
baby I cherish every laugh step breath that he breaths!
L. W.: It
will be 11 years January 18th and he would be 12 January 26th. Idk that it gets
easier so much as you get used to the pain and loss and you adjust to it.
Chantal Morris, I know exactly how you feel. 

J. S.: It
has been a year and a half since my son has died. I have found it much easier
to cope since time has went on. The sky has went from a gray back to blue, my
tears have become smiles, and I have finally regained hope again. It took a
long time, but I realized that I had to be strong and be the best mother I can
be to my 3 year old daughter. My son was two months old when he died and my
daughter talks about him all the time, sleeps with his blanket, and draws
pictures of him. The hardest time is his birthday and death date. I think of
him all the time.
J. S. S.: 14 weeks today since my little ones heart stopped beating at 38 weeks 3
days. It has started to get easier to cope with. I have 5 other children who
need me to be here for them. I miss her everyday but God has extended His
grace. That is the only way I am getting through this.
T. D. W. C.: It has been this Dec will be 2 years the pain never goes away.
T. B.: My
son would have been 17 years old this past August 5th. He was born sleeping at
41 weeks. And I miss him every day, but I know he is always with me in my
A. V.: It
was 3 years October 21st. I wouldn't say it gets easier. I would say you get
numb and you learn how to turn thoughts off so you don't burst into tears and a
moments notice.
T. Mc A. O.: My due date is coming up on the 29th Oct but I lost my angel in March, so
wish Oct was over, even when I’m writing this the tears are flowing.
D. G.: It
has been 9 yrs since my first loss and almost 8 yrs since my last. Time does
not heal all pain. And I agree with April you get numb and learn how to turn
thoughts off.
J. D.: It
doesn't go away. You learn how to cope & who can handle you with compassion
& love & who you can freely open up to when you’re having a bad day. I
say that because for me loss is something I've been too familiar with all of my
life starting at 15 months of age. The thing that helps me the most is knowing
4 important people of my life that I never really got to know in this life,
someday I will in heaven.
S. C.: My
little baby girl Bethany
was born asleep at 39+5 weeks. The pain of losing her will never go away.
A. G. M. N.: It will be 12 yrs on Dec. 18th. You never forget no matter how much time
has passed.
S. H.: 19
years and it really doesn’t seem to get any easier.
S.: It
has been over 3 years since my first loss, over a year for my second loss and
its 5 days short of being 5 months since my third loss! I don't think time
really helps with coping!! I just feel and think time makes it easier to hide
the pain!!! RIP to all our little angels looking down on us!!
K. G.: It will be 6 months on Sunday since my little girl was
stillborn. I think it’s been harder for me because we share a birthday. To be
honest, it has really started to hit me hard this month, I think it’s due to
the fact I feel I am missing all her 1sts and my only child.
The survey by
Miscarriage, Stillbirth, SIDS Support Group